Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Moving At Night - Notes On Night Moves

It is generally advisable to move during the day time when there is an abundance of natural light and when the roads and neighbourhoods are safer. Sometimes however moving at night may become a necessity forcing an individual or family to move house at night. This is inherently riskier and perhaps more dangerous than moving during the day but the risks can be mitigated.

Security Lights: Install security lights around your property as much as possible and ensure that they are all on during your night time move. Night time moves provide an easy opportunity for the less morally upright members of society to take advantage of and make away with an item or two here and there.

Additional security personnel: Still on security if possible and you're moving high value goods as in the case of a jewellery store, you would be well advised to engage the services of an external security entity, possibly a secure courier who would ideally be armed and ready to deal with any potential threats. In very extreme situations you can also consider enlisting the services of a police escort.

Road selection: Select the main roads and stay away from the isolated back roads. Main roads are safer and better lit as opposed to the back roads which are deserted, dark and pose a perfect opportunity for an ambush or roadblock.

Time Selection: Even if you have to move during the night, try and influence the actual time of moving such that your move doesn't happen in the wee hours of the night when its riskiest and most dangerous.

Consult the services of a professional: Whenever possible use the services of a professional moving company, their extensive experience in moving households means that they can take some additional measures and actions to keep you and your items safe even when moving at night.
Moving at night is not advisable at all, but if you find yourself in a situation where you have no choice then follow the above tips and above all else be on the lookout for any suspicious people or occurrences.


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